Where everyone is welcome

Sunday Activities
- 10am: Sunday Service at Balgownie Community Centre, 113 Balgownie Road, Balgownie.
- 11am: Morning Tea after service.
- 12pm: Lunch at Corrimal Bowling Club, 43-47 Francis Street, Corrimal.
Midweek Activities
- Experiencing God: A one-to-one foundational course with Pastor Peter Watson.
- Conversations: Conversational groups that meet in a variety of times and places. Catherience Green.
- Monday 5pm: Online women’s study. Contact: Beth Robinson.
- Tuesday 2.00pm: Bible Study. Venue: 9 Pendleton Close, Tarrawanna. Contact: Peter Watson.
- Tuesday 5pm: Book discussion group. Venue: Online via Zoom. Contact: Beth Robinson.
- Wednesday: Senior’s Social Event, 1st Wednesday of the month. Details published in newsletter. Contact: Brian Healy.
- Wednesday 10am: ‘Knit & Knatter’ meets fortnightly at Balgownie Village Community Centre, 113 Balgownie Rd, Balgownie. Contact: Robyn James.
- Wednesday 3.30pm: Song Writers Group. Contact: Catherine Green.
- Wednesday 7.30pm: Home Group meets at 9 Pendleton Close, Tarrawanna. Contact: Peter Watson.
- Thursday 10am: Women’s Bible Study. Venue: From 2nd May at Kay Dunn’s, 25 Hassan Street, Lake Heights. Contact: Narelle Blue. Study group finishes on 4th July, for this term. Third term commences 25th July, at Lee Pring’s place Figtree.
- Thursday 7.00pm (fortnightly): A connect night for everyone with music, jamming, finger food and a chat at Fairy Meadow Community Centre, 17a Princes Hwy, Fairy Meadow. More information: Catherine Green.
- Friday evenings: Youth Group. Contact: Catherine Green.
- Friday / Saturday Evening Meal with Pastor Peter and Linda Watson: Every 6-8 weeks at 9 Pendleton Close, Tarrawanna. Contact Peter Watson.
- Friday / Saturday Evenings: Visiting Tribute Bands in the area. Stephen Corry.
- Saturday 2.30pm: Women’s Conversation Group meets 3rd Saturday of the month. The Builders Club, 61 Church Street, North Wollongong. Contact: Catherine Green.
Most recent and contact details available in the monthly newsletter or contact Pastor Peter Watson 0407-278-175.
Service in the Community
Our members have always sought to make a positive contribution in their community. Following are just a few of the ways we’ve served our community both near and far.
Current Areas of Support

Illawarra Church takes up an offering every two months to provide financial support to the Wollongong Homesless Hub. At Christmas we also collect food and other requested items for handing out through the Homeless Hub.
Illawarra Church has a worker and resources to support people in our local community with practical help.
Previous Areas of Support
Sponsorship of two deaf students in the Philippines through ‘Deaf Action’.
Our Church has decided to sponsor two students who are somewhat disabled because they are deaf.
They are both students at the Bacolod City National High School in the Philippines.
Geneveve started school late because her parents could not afford to pay for her education.
She is progressing well and has now started Grade 9
Her favorite sport is Badmington and her favorite subject is English
Gerald has been deaf since birth, 11th October 2002, but the cause is unknown.
Gerald has no father now, and lives with his mother, four brothers, and one sister at Himalayan City. He stays at the Bacolod Dormitory to attend school and goes home for the weekend to help look after his siblings. His mother works hard but only earns a low wage and struggles to support and pay school expenses for her children.
Gerald was promoted to Grade 8 in June 2019 and is progressing well. He continues to be a friendly and helpful student, and is also very athletic.
His favourite subject is English, and he enjoys riding and running.

Transform Cambodia
In September 2022 we joined with our sister churches in the Illawarra (iCentral, Southern Church, and NewDay) to raise $6,556 of sponsorship funds for Transform Cambodia.
You can find our more about Transform Cambodia by clicking here.
At Transform they seek out and rescue the most vulnerable and neglected street children of Phnom Penh. Transform rescues and protects them from all the many injustices of poverty. Transform is involved in educating, clothing, feeding and championing them. Transform seeks to restore their dignity and hand them the keys to a life of unlimited potential.
Online Gift Catalogue:
Online Sponsorship Sign-up:

Autism Spectrum Australia
In January 2019 we have been able to help out the Autism Spectrum Australia school at Tarrawanna by providing the school with a laptop and some special software tor the students.
We want to thank the Principal Bruce Rowles for helping us set this up.
Farmborough Road Primary School Breakfast Club
A small group of volunteers from our church provided a nourishing breakfast for forty children from Farmborough Road Primary School two mornings a week.
The church raised money to pay for materials so that our volunteers could renovate the breakfast room. Renovations included full painting, new carpet, new fridge and some tasteful decorating.
We are extremely grateful for the sponsorship from Woolworths.