Table of Contents
Resources recommended in recent sermons.

Cover the Bible Course
INTRO TO ‘Cover the Bible’
The ‘Cover the Bible’ resource helps you understand the whole bible in 52 units with Dr. Ralph Neighbour. Each unit has a video of 5 short daily teachings (about 5 minutes each day) suitable for watching during your daily devotional time. You should also make use of the PDF provided to get the most out of the series.
Important Note: Providing this course is not an endorsement of every teaching or position represented in the course.
Cover the Bible Units 1-13 PDF
- Week 1: General Introduction
- Week 2: The Bible’s Outlines and Themes
- Week 3: Genesis 1-12
- Week 4: Genesis 13-28
- Week 5: Genesis 29-45
- Week 6: Genesis 46-50 Exodus 1-13
- Week 7: Exodus 14-18; 19-23 with Deuteronomy 4-13; Exodus 24-28 & 39; Exodus 29 with Deuteronomy 17 & 18
- Week 8: Exodus 30-38 & 40
- Week 9: Leviticus 1-10; 11-15 with Deuteronomy 14-15; Leviticus 16-20; Numbers 1-10
- Week 10: Leviticus 21-24 with Numbers 28-29 & Deuteronomy 16; Numbers 11-12; Numbers 13-14 with Deuteronomy 1
- Week 11: Numbers 15-19; Numbers 20-21 with Deuteronomy 2-3; Numbers 22-25; Numbers 26-36 with Deuteronomy 19; Deuteronomy 20-34
- Week 12: Joshua 1-14; Judges 1-12
- Week 13: Judges 13-21; Ruth; 1 Samuel 1-12
OLD TESTAMENT: 1 Samuel – Malachi
Cover the Bible Units 14-26 PDF
- Week 14: 1 Samuel 13-31; 2 Samuel 1-5 with 1 Chronicles 1-12
- Week 15: 2 Samuel 6 with 1 Chronicles 13-16; 2 Samuel 7 with 1 Chronicles 17; 2 Samuel 8-12 with 1 Chronicles 18-20; 2 Samuel 13-18; 2 Samuel 19-24 with 1 Chronicles 21
- Week 16: 1 Kings 1-4 with 1 Chronicles 22-29; 1 Kings 5-8 with 2 Chronicles 1-7; 1 Kings 9-11 with 2 Chronicles 8-9; 1 Kings 12-16 with 2 Chronicles 10-17
- Week 17: 1 Kings 17-19; 1 Kings 20-22 with 2 Chronicles 18-20; 2 Kings 1-5; 2 Kings 6-8 with 2 Chronicles 21-22
- Week 18: 2 Kings 9-13 with 2 Chronicles 23,24; 2 Kings 14-17 with 2 Chronicles 25-28; 2 Kings 18-20 with 2 Chronicles 29-32; 2 Kings 21-23 with 2 Chronicles 33-35; 2 Kings 24-25 with 2 Chronicles 36
- Week 19: Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther
- Week 20: Job; Psalms 1-7
- Week 21: Psalms 73-150; Proverbs
- Week 22: Ecclesiastes; Song of Solomon; Isaiah 1-44
- Week 23: Isaiah 45-66; Jeremiah
- Week 24: Lamentations; Ezekiel; Daniel; Hosea
- Week 25: Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah
- Week 26: Micah; Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah; Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi
NEW TESTAMENT: Matthew to Colossians
Cover the Bible Units 27-39 PDF
NEW TESTAMENT: Philemon to Revelation and Additional Resources
Cover the Bible Units 40-52 PDF
- Week 40: Philemon; 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- Week 41: 1 and 2 Timonthy; Titus
- Week 42: Hebrews
- Week 43: James
- Week 44: 1 and 2 Peter
- Week 45: 1, 2 and 3 John; Jude
- Week 46: Revelatin 1-3
- Week 47: Revelation 4-11
- Week 48: Revelation 12-16
- Week 49: Revelation 17-22
- Week 50: The first 300 years after the Bible was written
- Week 51: How to use your own reference library
- Week 52: Principles of biblical interpretation summarised
How and why to share the message of Jesus with others
1. Watch the Intro video by Pastor Pete (2:31) 2. Watch the Oikos Map video (6:37) 3. Complete the Oikos Diagram as explained in the video above. 4. Regularly pray for those in your Oikos List.